Travel Spray Australian Bush Flower Essences
Product no.: BC009
Travel Australian Bushflower Essences Mists 50 ml
Negative Condition:
• disorientation
• personally depleted and drained
• emotional effects of travel
Positive Outcome:
• refreshes
• centres
• maintains sense of personal space
This combination particularly addresses the problems encountered with jet travel. It enables a person to arrive at their destination feeling balanced and ready to go. The use of this Essence is beneficial for all forms of travel.
Australian Bush Flower Essences: Banksia Robur, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Bush Iris, Crowea, Fringed Violet, Macrocarpa, Mulla Mulla, Paw Paw, Red Lily, She Oak, Silver Princess, Sundew and Tall Mulla Mulla.
Legal notice: Australian bush flowers essences and vibration media are foodstuffs within the meaning of Art. 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and have no direct effect on the body or psyche proven by classical scientific standards. All statements refer exclusively to energetic aspects such as aura, meridians, chakras, etc.
one way pack